Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Commercial Scripts

(30 Second) Progressive Commercial

(Guy approaces house and Lady is inside with kids)
Lady: Not in the abdomen Cameron.
(Knocks on Door)
Lady: (opens door) Hi
Guy: Mrs. Matthews, I'm Steve, your Progressive claims rep. I inspected the damage on your car and you're all set.
Lady: Thanks so much for coming by. My insurance agent recommended Progressive, cause you do this kind of stuff for free. I have four boys so the smallest errand is just (kids yelling) you know.
Guy: No problem.
Lady: Ok, Thanks so much, bye. (shuts door) Who wants to be quiet?
Announcer: With progressive, saving hundreds is just the beginning. Contact a local independent agent to switch today.

(60 Second) Nutrisystem Commercial

Girl: I admit it, part of my job is to look great, and I let that go. I know I lost out on work when I was overweight. Casting directors just didn't even want to see me. I called Nutrisystem and I lost 27 and a half pounds.
Announcer: You can't miss the results of Nutrisystem Nourish, the weight loss program that lets you eat great and lose weight.
Girl: This was the old me and this is me now.
Announcer: Call or go online now to find out how you can get 2 weeks of Nutrisystem meals, free.
Girl: If I even thought about a carb I gained weight, and with Nutrisystem I get to have carbs.
Announcer: Our secret is the breakthrough science of th glycemic advantage that separates good carbs from bad.
Girl: Losing weight is the hardest thing in the world. Nutrisystem made it so easy.
Announcer: for about 10 dollars a day, enjoy 4 weeks of perfectly portioned meals and your shipping is free.
Girl: Trust me, you will lose weight.
Announcer: See how Nutrisystem can change your life, and get an extra 14 breakfasts, 14 lunches, 14 dinners and 14 desserts. 2 bonus weeks of food, free. Call now.

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