Sunday, September 9, 2007

Today's Front Pages

Sunday Searchlight
Redding, California

There are two main stories on the front page of this paper. The first is "School losses ease," and it is about the loss of enrolled students decreasing. The article states that the schools in Shasta County, California have only lost 100 students this year. This is down from a loss of 450 students in the previous year. Another story is "Bridging slow times." It tells how bridge construction in Sacramento has affected businesses in the surrounding area. The businesses have suffered from weak sales, since the construction started.

According to the headlines of this newspaper, it seems like California is concerned about the issues that affect the community. The first article tries to look at a bad situation in a positive way, by saying that the amount of student loss is decreasing. The second article looks at another community issue, bridge construction. The article tries to appeal to the feeling of the people of the community, by telling of the situation’s negative affect on the community.

Des Moines Sunday Register
Des Moines, Iowa

"Why Ethanol Must Bulk Up to Compete" is the headline story in this paper. The article tells how vehicles that use ethanol get less gas mileage. Ethanol also has many competitors, ranging from hydrogen to natural gas. Another headline story is "Steep student loan debt affects lifestyles, dreams." The article says that people in Iowa have such a steep debt from student loans; that they are giving up dream jobs and buying a house, just so they can pay off their debt.

The headlines of this paper suggest that Iowa is concerned not only with the issues that affect the communities or the state, but are also interested in how the issues of the entire country are being solved. The article about ethanol talks about the issue of rising gas prices, and gives reasons why ethanol is not the answer to the problem. It also lists better alternatives, to show how the issue is being taken care of. The second article talks about the problem of student debt, and how it has a negative impact on the students in Iowa, showing the concern for the problems that affect the state.

The Post-Standard
Syracuse, New York

The main article in this paper is about President Bush's advisers supporting Bush's decision to keep troops in Iraq. The article is called, "Bush Advisers: Don't Rush Exit." Another big article on the front page has a headline that reads: "14-year-old, stabbed through heart, Comes Home." A boy was standing up to someone at school, and was stabbed through the heart. Miraculously, he survived, and the story tells of his return home.

This paper looks at an issue that affects the whole country, and then tries to look at another situation to put a positive spin on things. The first article shows the dissatisfaction and disappointment that most people feel toward the President. Then, the second article looks at a bad situation in appositive way, by telling how a boy survived a stab through the heart, and is returning home.

Stars and Stripes

There are only two stories on the front page of this paper. The first one, "Crime rate at Europe AF bases remains low," says that Europe's Air Force Bases have always had a low crime rate, and this year is no different. The second story is called, "Good times at Bad Dürkheim." This story talks about people having a good time and listening to the German oompah band at a Sausage Market Festival in Germany.

This European newspaper seems to focus on the positive things. Even though the crime rate has not gotten lower at Europe’s Air Force bases, the bases have maintained the low crime rate, and this is a positive thing. The second story focuses on people enjoying a good time and good entertainment at the Sausage Market Festival, which is also a positive thing.

Irish Examiner

"McCann offered jail deal if she confesses," is the headline story of this paper. Apparently police have offered a woman a sentence of two years or less of jail time, if she confesses to murdering her 4-year-old daughter. Another article, "No safe level of alcohol in pregnancy," warns women that no amount of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. This article was written after a surprising study found that most women in Ireland drank half of the maximum recommended amount of alcohol, while pregnant.

The first story seems like it is just a story that most media around the area is concerned with currently. However, the second article, and the other smaller articles are sort of surprising, especially to someone living in the United States. Some of the smaller articles are about alcohol poisoning and even the death of a certain woman, due to drinking too much alcohol. To add to those stories though, the second article I talked about is warning women about drinking while pregnant, because a new study proved that no amount is safe to drink when pregnant. This shows that possibly the people in Ireland are almost oblivious of the affects of alcohol, or at least they have been.

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1 comment:

Brad Reed said...

Very nice review and post, Kyle.